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Drought Monitoring

Drought is an extended period of months or years when an area experiences a shortage in its water supply. Generally, this occurs when an area consistently receives below average precipitation. It can have a significant impact on the ecosystem and agriculture of the affected area. Although droughts can last for several years, severe and short-lived droughts can cause significant damage that harms the local economy. Types of Drought1) Meteorological Drought is the extent and duration of a dry period. It occurs because atmospheric conditions that result in deficiencies in rainfall vary from region to region.2) Agricultural Drought Agricultural drought primarily affects food production and agriculture. Agricultural drought and deficiencies in rainfall lead to soil water deficits, low groundwater or reservoir levels, etc. Deficiencies in surface soil moisture at planting time can cause stunted growth, resulting in reduced plant populations.3) Hydrological Drought Hydrological drought is related to the effects of periods of deficient rainfall on water supplies. Water in hydrological storage systems such as reservoirs and rivers is often used for a variety of purposes such as flood control, irrigation, recreation, navigation, hydropower, and wildlife habitat. Competition for water in these storage systems increases during drought and conflicts between water users increase dramatically. 4) Socioeconomic Drought. Socioeconomic drought occurs when demand for an economic good exceeds supply and there is a shortage of it due to weather and water supply.

Quarterly Forecast

Drought status analysis